Hello to any who venture forth on the journey that is my mind.

I am currently an Electronics Technician and a college student. In what little spare time I have I like to write songs and poetry as a way to ground myself. The lack of time to process my daily thoughts leads to some interesting poems / lyrics when I finally sit down and sort them out.

I decided to create a poetry / lyric blog because I realized that there is no point in taking so much time to carefully create and coddle a piece of work and not share it with others. I do warn that not all of my work is family friendly, there is some cussing at times. It is not meant to be offensive, it is meant to be expressive.

I tend to write a lot about the things in this world that disturb me, like the horror film director that painstakingly creates a scene about a childhood nightmare that terrorized him during his innocent slumbers. In a way this is meant to be a wake up call. I hope and pray that you won't press the snooze button!!

I really hope that anyone who happens by this blog enjoys what you read. Feel free to let me know what you think!!


Monday, August 2, 2010

2010 America's Sweetheart

24 karat gold, shines like the dreams,
Pink convertible Mercedes Benz, here’s the keys,
When I was 12 I had sex with a dude that was 43,
Why am I not happy now? Why do I feel so alone? Why am I not happy now?

I’ve looked pretty my whole life life, For this stupid couch
And a giant bed, which lays alone on Friday night
While I drown my sorrows, going to drop 10 grand shopping tomorrow,
Why am I not happy now? Why do I feel so alone? Why am I not happy now?

I’m better than them; this shouldn’t happen to me,
America’s princess, hell I should be queen,
You should all bow down to my feet, whilst I bend over and excrete,
Why am I not happy now? Why do I feel so alone? Why am I not happy now?

I’m 25, I look too old, time for surgery again,
Maybe I should fake a sex tape leak?
Who needs self respect when you got a bank full of green?
Why am I not happy now? Why do I feel so alone? Why am I not happy now?

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